Announcing - Abbey Labs!
A lot of friends (especially engineer ones) often ask me why I decided to become an investor and give up writing code. My response besides I can still write code (on a very part time basis), is that I find the joy working with early companies and founders as a early stage investor is a different but similar joy when launching a product.
Abbey Labs is a prime example of that! I am fortunate to be able to chat with Arvil before he left Okta, and took a long journey to explore startup ideas and launching. I am really intrigued about the way he view the security side of the world coming from the Okta background, though still finalizing ideas and directions.
After introducing Arvil to Point72 where he ended up becoming a EIR, the company idea start to take a bit more shape but still need more iterations and also a search for a CTO / cofounder. I immediately thought of Jeff as I was able to meet him and left a strong impression for me about his amazing infra background and passion to start a valuable company.
I was so excited to hear after connecting Jeff and Arvil, after months of “founder dating”, they decided to join force to start Abbey Labs.
The combination of Jeff and Arvil of brining diverse backgrounds also shows in their approach to product, which is combining a engieering best practices such as infra as code, into a new growing pain of data access control in the enterprises.
Couldn’t be more stoked that I was able to play a tiny part of their initial journey and now to invest and work with the team to continue down the path to build a great company.